Random ramblings of a Rose…

Archive for June, 2011

A Very Happy Day With Jose! (May 21, 2011)

Okay, I realize I haven’t posted in FOREVER! I am so sorry… At any rate, here’s a post that I had written up – THOUGHT I had posted – and realized today I never had. It was originally meant to be published waaaaay back on May 21st, so that gives you an idea just how lazy I’ve been lately, lol! Well, without further ado, here is my very happy day with Jose:

I had the most awesome afternoon with Jose today. He just “graduated” pre-K, which you know, and it struck me that my little boy was growing up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast, so I wanted to take him out and do something extra-special with him. Here’s how our afternoon/evening went!!!

Lunch: We went to McDonald’s (yay for giftcards!!), and I let him pick whatever he wanted to off of the menu. He got a cheeseburger, fries, a strawberry-banana smoothie, and a fruit & yogurt parfait. But what he was most excited about was that he got to play on the playplace as long as he wanted to without having to worry about us leaving because The Younger was getting cranky. Lol!

After lunch treat: We drove to Sprinkles, whispered “duck, duck, goose”, and got a free red velvet cupcake that we split. I love that they put the saguaro cacti decorations on the top of them, here. 🙂

Next: We went across the street to the mall, and walked around the entire place for almost three hours, mostly just window shopping and talking. And we rode every single escalator in the place (some more than once), as well as riding the tallest elevator in the place that you could look out of and see the mall from. We also went down a flight of stairs that was surrounded by water

While there: We stopped at Hot Topic and got a “Superman” shirt for daddy and a new earring for momma. We got some tea at the food court (he loves iced tea), and also got to sample some pineapple-blueberry tea at Teavana. We picked up a birthday present for the boy in his Pre-K class whose party we are going to this upcoming weekend.

Super cool secret awesome graduation gift: I took him to Build-a-Bear! We had never ever been before and he had so much fun. He picked the rainbow colored peace-sign bear, put the “pomp & circumstance” sound in his paw, decked him all out like he was graduating, and named him after himself.

**As we were leaving the mall, Jose looked up at me and said, “Now I love you even more. You are the best momma in the whole world!!!”**

Dinner: We went to Sauce (yay for gift cards, again!) and shared a cheese pizza with mozzerella and basil on it. Oh, and we got even more iced tea. Lol.

Pit Stop: We had to go to Best Buy and pick up a new car charger for my phone, because mine randomly died in the middle of our adventure. 😦

Dessert: We doubled back to Mojo to get frozen yogurt. He got “original tart” with blueberries, orange juice poppers, mini M&Ms, and gummy bears. I got “red velvet” with gummy bears. We sat and watched “The Pink Panther” for about an hour, enjoying our yogurt, before we finally went home.

**As he was going to bed (at after 10:00pm!!!) he told me, “I’m so glad we did that today. It made me happy even though I’m sad that I’m growing to 5.”**

And that was our day!!!!!!!!

Jose & Jose Jr.

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