Random ramblings of a Rose…

Posts tagged ‘Summer’

Summer is Officially Here!!

In our family, the start of summer is usually signified by the beginning of the swim lesson “season.”  Now, since we live just this side of hell, that “season” typically lasts from Feb/March to around October.  However, due to a variety of prior obligations and the fact that for once, we didn’t average a thousand degrees by mid-March, we didn’t start swim lessons until TODAY.  So now, SUMMER IS FINALLY HERE!!!

Now, I’m not terribly excited about that simply because it means I’m going to be a hermit for the next 5 or 6 months, but for my husband and the boys?  This is the BEST time of the year!!!!  So I am incredibly happy for them.  On that note, I thought I’d post some pictures from swim today, so if you are in an area where it is still snowing, raining, and below 70 on average, you can be jealous look forward to your own official start of summer.  😉

All ready to go!

Kicks on the wall!

Getting ready to swim the length of the pool

Practicing freestyle

Jose's favorite part - jumping in!!!

Working on his backstroke

Last swim to the wall for today

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