Random ramblings of a Rose…

Posts tagged ‘Funny’

Kids Say the Darndest Things!!!

I’ll start by saying that this post is NOT being made in an attempt to garner sympathy or anything of the sort. I think the situation was hilarious!! And a little creepy… Jose is way too smart for his own good sometimes! 😀

Last night, when Daddy and I were helping to get dinner ready, Jose came in to give me a hug. Then he kind of poked/patted my belly and said, “Mommy, why is your tummy so big like you’re having a baby?” Jose continued in a very concerned voice, “You should take your birth control every morning after you brush your teeth – you should get up, and brush your teeth, and then take your birth control so that you don’t have a baby.” I then showed him the mostly empty package of pills and said, “I DO take my pill every day. That’s why all of these are gone!” With brows still knitted and genuine concern evident in his voice, he went on, “You need to go to the store and get more birth control. Take it every day and then you won’t have a big tummy like you’re having a baby!” It was all I could do to not roll on the floor, in tears from laughing so hard!!! 😆

And, Jose? Yes, momma would like to lose about 10-15 lbs someday, but if it was as easy as just taking my birth control pill every day, that would ROCK!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!! :mrgreen:

Anyway… Hope that gave you a laugh for the day! And sorry I haven’t posted any updates about Jose and/or Squishy lately… 😳 Life is just C-R-A-Z-Y sometimes!!! 😯

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